Saturday, January 25, 2014

The year of the Horse

A Green Wood Horse in Macau to celebrate the New Year

Jeff and I have the good fortune to celebrate New  Year's twice this year - as usual on January 1 and then again during the Chinese New Year on January 31.  We hope this means that 2014 will have twice the luck and fortune for us as we embark on a new adventure.  Carolyn has landed a new job overseeing the integration of a company her employer acquired in Hong Kong.  Jeff's company is being very supportive and has asked him to head up Asian sales.  We expect to be in Hong Kong for 18-24 months.

We arrived in Hong Kong one week ago, as the city begins its preparations for New Year's celebrations.  We have learned that 2014 will be the year of the Horse.  According to, the Horse is a favorite animal of the Chinese.  They believe that the Horse is not only a symbol of traveling, but also a sign of speedy success.  We hope that this means that our adventure will not only be successful, but also give us the opportunity to explore and learn more about Asia.


  1. You know those place mats at Chinese restaurants in the USA with short descriptions of the meaning of the 12 zodiac signs? Do they have those there? :-) Oddly, the horse ties to the element of fire, while the dragon ties to earth. Hopefully you caught a parade for New Years, and hopefully it had some of those long dragons, even thought this isn't the dragon's year. Nice green Macau horse. Good meanings. Dawn is a horse, & horses are "adventurous" & "adaptable", just as your time there will be (in the Year of the Horse). I'm a dragon, by the way (lucky & imaginative). What are you two? You'll have to blog about that some time.

  2. Wonderful Blog! Chinese spring festival starts with the lunar new year and is celebrated for 14 days. We bring Chinese spring festival celebration ideas to make your celebrations super exciting.
